In April 2024 The Send announced an Arena Tour of the UK & Ireland starting at the OVO Wembley Arena on 7 July 2024.
The Send is currently confirming dates for the Arena Tour in Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
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The Arena Tour will typically be gatherings of 1,000 to 10,000 people for 4-5 hours of worship, prayer, inspiration and commission as we work towards a Stadium gathering in 2025.
These events will have specific action points that point towards THE SEND UK & IRELAND’s five missional outcomes whilst continuing to have the leading beat of prayer for revival, sharing Jesus/making disciples locally and in the nations, and starting a Spotfire.
Northern Ireland
South England
North England
Every time THE SEND gathers we invite people to adopt real mission fields at home and abroad. We work with national and local mission organisations to equip and send people to be witnesses for Jesus wherever he calls them.
At Ovo Arena Wembley, we made two invitations:
Find out more below.
"Our support of THE SEND UK & IRELAND reflects a shared commitment to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It does not indicate an endorsement of any other aspect of the work of those involved in THE SEND UK & IRELAND."
The Send is a collaborative, global coalition of Jesus followers, dedicated to the fulfilment of the great commission. We are centred on the Gospel, equipping then sending a global force of messengers to relationally deliver the Gospel message to every person in the world – this is the sound of “GO.”
These statements signify our belief and what we stand for. We work through the power of unity with those who share these beliefs and with the global Church to remain solely focused on ensuring the world knows Jesus.
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” – Romans 10:14 (NLT)
Our team operates separately from other SEND movements but maintains close relationship and oversight that helps to ensure a consistent global vision that remains uniquely contextual.
THE SEND isn't any single organisation but a collaboration of what God's bringing together from the UK church meaning that its team and board is sourced from a range of organisations across the church.